30 Years of excellence in Fire Industry since 1989
30 Years of excellence in Fire Industry since 1989
To be the customer's first choice of fire risk management, offering a comprehensive and unique portfolio of products and services, aiming at saving lives and protecting property from fire at all times
To constantly upgrade and introduce new innovations, so as to ensure our valued customers can benefit from the latest technologies
To contribute to a safer world guided by innovative technology
To create value for our clients, employee, suppliers and shareholders
30 Years of excellence in fire business since 1989
Mr. Frank Ryde started Alpha Fire Services in the year 1989 in Bahrain as a very small business. Subsequently he went on to start Alpha Fire Services in Sri Lanka in the same year. Today Alpha Fire Services is an industry leader and the preferred choice in Bahrain and Qatar as well as in Sri Lanka.
Alpha Fire Services has a qualified and trained team of engineers and technical staff. The workshop is centrally located and situated in Pannipitiya. The state of art facility is fully equipped to handle large scale fire protection, detection and suppression systems. Now Alpha Fire Services is in this top tier with CIDA EM1 (ICTAD) status and ISO 9001:2015 certification. Also Alpha is a proud member of National Fire Protection Authority –USA (NFPA).
Vijith Perera Managing Director Attorney-at-law BA Economic-University of California, Berkley USA Obtained a BA Economics degree from the University of California, Berkley USA and passed out as an Attorney-at-law from Sri Lanka Law College, Founder Director of Amtek Engineering (Pvt) Ltd, Ultrakleen (Pvt) Ltd and Ultrakill (Pvt) Ltd . Posses wide experience in Management. Currently serves on the board of several business establishments.
Frank Ryde Chief Executive Officer Member of IFE UK, NFPA USA & IWMA Europe Co-Founder/Director, Fire X Sri Lanka, 1983-1986 Founder & Managing Director of Alpha Fire Services W.L.L. Bahrain, Qatar, UK (retired) CEO of Alpha Safety & security Holding BSC Bahrain(Retired) Chairman of Sandycroft Residences, Golden Dome PvtLtd Sri Lanka. Business Entrepreneur, Fire and Security Specialist with over 35 years of experience and Extensive overseas training in the Fire protection, Detection, Containment and Escape field covering all aspects related to Fire, Safety, and Security.
Malindra Fernando Director Founder Director of Amtek Engineering (Pvt) Ltd Decades of experience in business and industry. Currently serves as a board director in several business ventures including facilities management, engineering and service sectors. He has played an active role in the rapid infrastructure development in Sri Lanka by advising numerous international contractors and investors in project management and implementation.
Deanna Marise Ryde Co-founder & Director Co-Founder & Executive Director of Alpha Fire Services W.L.L.Bahrain, 1996-2014 Retired Executive Director of Alpha Safety & Security Holdings BSC. Over two decades experience in Office Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing, & Planning. Conceptualized the Alpha Fire logo and branding of the company and subsidiaries. Identified and developed business system & procedures, set up offices, equipment and infrastructure as required, recruited and trained staff and managed the day-to-day operations of the business at executive level.
Samud Gunasekara Director MBA(IND) MLIM(SL) MCPM(SL) P.Mkt(SL) A top level marketer in the business with over 15 years of corporate experience. A specialist in engineering products, solution & services. Strong experience in project sales, fire engineering and contracting. A life members of Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
Our trained professionals are qualified and experienced in offering comprehensive solutions that keep your factory, office or home safe and secure minimizing the risk of any fire hazard. Our workshop is state of the art facility comprising of fully trained team of technical staff and facilities include of refilling, servicing and painting of fire extinguishers. Proper stock management and computerized inventory ensures speed of service efficiency.